Mashal Leads from the Forefront in Community Service

Whenever a calamity has befallen this nation or there is need to support for the less privileged segment of the community, despite its meagre resources, Mashal has led from the front.

As soon as it learnt of the devastation caused by floods, Mashal launched a campaign to collect relief goods for the victims. Meherban Dukan, which receives donations round the year, comprising clothing, crockery and household items for children, women and men, came in handy. Additionally, the members of Mashal donated cash and other necessary items wholeheartedly. 

It is heartening that in the face of catastrophes, Mashal has always worked hard to support the community. During the onslaught of Corona pandemic, Mashal distributed Rs. 4000/- cash to each family. Traditionally, rations are distributed during Ramadan while clothing and Eidee are handed out to the needy.

It is noteworthy that devoid of any government support, for the last three decades, Mashal is continuing its service for the underprivileged in providing, health, education and vocational training. This noble spirit must be appreciated and we should continue to light the torch of hope and carry the task forward with zeal.

Aini Hali

Director Communication

Mashal Association,
