International Webinar on United States Global Response to COVID-19: Uncertainties, Planning, Impact, Role of Vaccines & Recovery

Institute of Peace and Contemporary Affairs (IPCA) organized an International Webinar on “United States Global Response to COVID-19: Uncertainties, Planning, Impact, Role of Vaccines & Recovery”.

Chief Guest of the event was Former Federal Mister, Senator Nisar Memon who said that over 4.4 million deaths have been reported worldwide due to COVID19 of which the deaths in US have been 0.6 million. It is an eyeopener that US despite being the most developed state in terms of science and technology has been the most affected state. Vaccines were announced by China and United States in December 2020 and despite the fact that number of vaccines are available across the world, the availability of vaccines to the under-developed and developing world still remains a far cry. He highlighted the fact that was WHO adequately supported by the United Nations to deal with such a crisis. A total loss of 11 trillion was reported worldwide in 2020 out of which the total loss of US was 3.2 trillion; hence United States not only impacted in terms of human life losses but economically as well. China only reported a loss of 382 billion dollars. India reported a loss of 98 billion while Pakistan reported a total loss of 18 billion dollars. The worldwide loss in 2025 is projected at 28 trillion dollars. Human life and economic loss should wake up the international leadership. It is a questionable fact weather funds provided to the countries included Pakistan are sufficient to tackle this issue. Moreover, the issue of climate change has also coupled with the covid-19 crisis which is a serious challenge for the entire global community.

Former High Commission Ambassador Naela Chohan said that narrative carried out by Trump and Biden Administration is a part of geopolitics. China tackled the pandemic remarkably as there was a coordinated effort from all the ministries of China. They were working with a moto of helping the people. Although the economic progress of China was slowed down by 1.1% however, they were aware of the fact that it is temporary and the fundamentals of China’s long term positive, high quality remains unchanged. The social psyche, the political and the economic system of China all helped them however they must be seen through their own prism rather than viewing them through the eyes of the west. Crisis in US became grave because they lacked in their health care system, the polarized leadership and their concept of freedom of Choice within the society.

Group Captain (R) Sultan Mahmood Hali said that despite the fact that United States is bent upon blaming China for the origin of COVID-19 pandemic, it has been the world’s most affected nation despite the advancement of its science, technology and medical resources. It has suffered a total of 623,900 deaths so far in comparison to China which has only suffered a total of 5676 deaths. He also said that the U.S. has politicized the origin tracing process of the COVID-19 pandemic to such an extent that it has given rise to Anti-Asian hate crime in the U.S.

Public Health & Development Consultant Dr. Amanullah Khan said that on medical front China has turned out to be a great contributor to help the World fight the COVID-19 pandemic. China’s vaccines have already catalyzed immunization campaigns in more than 40 countries as the country is targeting to produce nearly five billion doses in 2021. From March 1 to May 31, China exported protective materials to 200 countries and regions, among which there were more than 70.6 billion masks, 340 million protective suits, 115 million pairs of goggles, 96,700 ventilators, 225 million test kits, and 40.29 million infrared thermometers.

Assistant Professor National Defense University, Dr. Shafei Moiz Hali was of the view that a future free from the COVID-19 pandemic demands a coordinated global response and so far, the existing global politics and the US’s mishandling of its responses to combat the pandemic at home and abroad are proving to be a major hurdle. The administration in Washington couldn’t handle the pandemic at home nor did it take timely measures to aid others in need.  With China stepping in to the void created by the US. The US is left with merely resorting to propaganda based upon a war of narratives around ‘who responded better’.

Health Expert from UK Dr. Salman Qureshi was of the view that there were certain countries who were involved in blaming each another by speculating various theories regarding the origin of this virus and although, it was seen that World Health Organization tried to promote a coordinated global response, even its impact was confined and significantly impacted.

Political Analyst and Vice-President of Solidarité & Progrès, Mr, Karel VEREYCKEN said that while China demonstrated repeatedly the efficiency of its “Zero Covid” method, the West denied its results and slanders it as “communist”, “autocratic” and “totalitarian”. China, de facto, by its example, is in a position of leadership while the US and EU governments, have been crippled twofold: by their own free market and libertarian ideologies and by their lack of investments in both their production and workforce.

Bureau Chief of Weekly Magazine Executive Intelligence Review, Mr. William Jones said that instead of uniting the world in a major offensive to defeat the COVID-19 virus, it has become the subject of a very insidious geopolitical game to undermine the growing influence of China. The result has been a clear increase in the amount of COVID infections and deaths.

The webinar was attended by large audience from Pakistan, UK, United States and KSA.